I played on 1.2.5 when people had fun with 1.5.2, played 1.5.2 when 1.6.4 was live, I'll wait for 2.0 before moving to 1.7.10 lazyness and yep some of my mods aren't ported to 1.7.10 Is there a way to keep the cables connected when I load the chunk back(connect to my server)? a file created by the one who manage the chunks? or is there a way to get around this problem? using other mods/blocks/item/. Yes, chunks are loaded with a dimensional anchor from immibis core. It's a recent problem, played for two weeks and saw this since two days only. Google and the search function here didn't helped me. I know the problem may come from the mod who manage the chunk(forge?) rather than you but I beleve I'm not the first to experience this and you may have a solution. I ran some test, and it looks like ONE chunk has this problem, not the others. When The chunk is unloaded, and then loaded again, cables won't connect to my windmill/lowvoltagearray/logisticpowerjunction, but my batbox and my solar panel are still connected with cables. Now to the problem: I use Ic2 cable to connect my solar panel, my low voltage windmill(from compactwindmill) and a low voltage solar array(from compactsolararray) to my batbox, which is connected to a logistic power junction(from logisticPipes). i'm not a native english, sorry my bad english. I'm on 1.6.4, I use industrialcraft-2_2.0.397-experimental and forge-1.6.4- along some other mod in a Private modpack.